:answer the questions using 'used to' and the worlds in brackets. 1) what dresses did your great-grand mother use to wear? ( long beautiful dresses) 2) what pies did she use to bake? ( with cabbage, rice, apples, fish) 3) where did they use to go very often? ( zoo, circus, city parks) 4) where did celina use to live? ( new york) 5) where did your friends use to spend their winter vacation? ( rome)

Maria2005y Maria2005y    1   01.07.2019 16:30    11

Александр1111111254 Александр1111111254  24.07.2020 23:38
1) My great-grand mother used to wear long beautiful dresses.
2) She used to bake pies with cabbage, rice, apples and fish.
3) They used to go to the zoo, circus and city parks very often.
4) Celina used to live in New York.
5) My friends used to spend their winter vacations in Rome.
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