Answer the questions in written form. example: do many british students wear a school uniform? -yes,they do. long does a lesson last in british schools? 2.what are the favourite colours for school uniforms in britain? 3.which is the first foreign language at schools in britain? 4.what other languages do british students study at school? many holidays do british students have? 6.what are the british holidays?

Lemnik Lemnik    2   08.08.2019 02:50    3

kinderlolo19999 kinderlolo19999  04.10.2020 04:12
1.Usually it is about 30-40 minutes
2.Generally the uniform in Britain is blue or gray 3.French
4. French 'German'Spanish'Italian
5.Pupils in Britain have 6 holidays 
6. Christmas,Easter,summer holidays and others
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