Аннотация к тексту. Английский Internal Combustion Engines
The engines of practically all mechanically propelled road vehicles, motorcycles, airplanes, tractors, motor boats, and mobile industrial units belong to that class of prime movers known as heat engines, and to the subdivision thereof which has been generally referred to as "internal-combustion" engines.
Most tractors are powered by internal combustion engines. The international combustion engine is a form of heat engine and the name “heat engine” is given to it because heat energy, produced by the burning of fuel within the engine, is changed into mechanical energy. The power, which is produced by the engine, is transmitted through various mechanisms until it reaches the rear wheels which rotate. In any internal combustion engine there are a number of essential parts that perform different functions. The parts making up the internal combustion engine are as follows: 1. Base or frame 2. Cylinder 3. Cylinder head 4. Piston 5. Piston rings 6. Piston pin 7. Connecting rod 8. Crankshaft 9. Flywheel 10. Camshaft 11. Valves.
Combustion engines may be divided into types according to the duration of the cycle on which they operate, in terms of piston strokes. By a cycle is meant the succession of operations in the engine cylinder which constantly repeats itself. The great majority of modern automotive engines operate on the four-stroke cycle, usually referred to as the Otto cycle, which is completed in four strokes of the piston, or during two revolutions of the crankshaft. Engines are also being built to operate on a cycle which is completed in two piston strokes. In this cycle a combustible gaseous mixture is compressed in the cylinder during the outward stroke of the piston, and burned and allowed to expand during the following inward stroke. Evacuation of the products of combustion and admission of a new charge take place during the latter part of the expansion, and the early part of the compression stroke. Since there is no separate exhaust stroke, the burnt gases cannot be expelled from the cylinder by a pumping action of the piston therein; they must be blown out, by either fresh air or combustible mixture, under pressure, a process known as scavenging. Two-stroke engines with scavenging by combustible mixture are used only in small units (outboard engines, for example), and generally only in applications where the operation is quite intermittent. Their chief advantage is low first cost; their disadvantages are low fuel economy and lack of flexibility. A few engines have been built to operate on a six-stroke cycle, which has certain advantages where fuel of low volatility is to be used. Four of the six strokes of this cycle are used for the same operations as in the four-stroke cycle (to be described in detail further on); during the remaining two strokes the combustible mixture is retained in the cylinder without being ignited, to give the fuel a better chance to vaporize and to diffuse uniformly throughout the air charge. Six-cycle engines have never reached a practical stage, and of all of the high-speed combustion engines in use today that operate on volatile fuels, more than 99 percent of the total horse power undoubtedly work on the four-stroke cycle.

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