Английский язык 4. Make up questions from these words and word combinations using present perfect.

1. Barbara/seen/the new/film/has? — Has Barbara seen the new film?

2. met/any/students/have/you/foreign? —

3. begun/the report/has/Mark/writing?

4. yet/has/Bill/the office/rung? —

5. visited/their/have/granny/Jane and Mary?

6. eaten/ever/has/Len/pizza? —

7. Olga/has/a professional/become/dancer? —

8. carried/have/you/into your room the suitcase?

ТашаФедоренко ТашаФедоренко    3   15.11.2020 19:51    5

Танюша2705 Танюша2705  15.12.2020 19:51

2) Have you met any foreign students?

3) Has Mark begun writing the report?

4) Has Bill rung the office yet?

5) Have Jane and Mary visited their granny?

6) Has Len ever eaten pizza?

7) Has Olga become a professional dancer?

8) Have you carried into your room suitcase?

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