Английский позяз) Chose the right variant to complete the sentence.

1.      Alice always dresses in the (latest/last) fashion. 2.      What time does the (latest/last) bus leave? 3.      February is the (latest/last) month of winter. 4.      The teacher told us about the (latest/last) news. 5.      We’ve read two books this week – “Alice in Wonderland” and “Matilda”. As to me, the (latter/later) was more interesting. 6.      My granny is the (oldest/eldest) member of our family. 7.      The school building in (older/elder) than all other buildings in this street. 8.      Kitty’s (elder/older) sister is not a student. 9.      Maksim is six years (older/elder) than Iliya. С переводом

solodovnikovay124 solodovnikovay124    3   29.01.2022 23:59    27

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