1.    I … a pupil of the forth form.
-    are
-    is
-    am

2.    My mother … excuses when I want to play football after school.
-    always make
-    make always
-    always makes

3.    Our pupils … speak French in class.
-    don’t speak
-    doesn’t speaks
-    don’t speaks

4.    My sister … eight years old.
-    not is
-    is not
-    are not

5.    Anny … books sometimes.
-    reads
-    read
-    not read

6.    The flowers … watered by Jenny.
-    normally is
-    are normally
-    normally are

7.    My mother … in England now.
-    is
-    are
-    am

8.    My friend … me on Mondays.
-    phone
-    phones
-    phoning

9.    I … what it is about.
-    knows
-    know
-    don’t knows

10.    My brother … in the office.
-    working
-    work
-    works       
Exercise 2. Використовуйте слова в дужках для утворення речень в Present Simple. Зверніть увагу, в якій формі має стояти речення (стверджувальне, питальне або заперечне).
1) They football at the institute. (To play)
2) She emails. (Not / to write)
3) you English? (To speak)
4) My mother fish. (Not / to like)
5) Ann any friends? (To have)
6) His brother in an office. (To work)
7) She ___ very fast. (Can not / to read)
8) they the flowers every 3 days? (To water)
9) His wife a motorbike. (Not / to ride)
10) Elizabeth coffee? (To drink)

KoRmlx KoRmlx    2   20.01.2021 12:49    1

їка їка  19.02.2021 12:51

1.am 2.always make 3.don't speak 4.is not 5.reads 6.are normally 7.is 8.phones 9.know 10.works

1.They play football at the institute

2.She doesn't write emails

3.Do you speak English?

4.My mother doesn't like fish

5.Does Ann have any friends?

6.His brother works in an office

7.She cannot to read very fast

8.Do they water the flowers every 3 days?

9.His wife doesn't ride a motorbike

10.Does Elizabeth drink coffee?

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