АНГЛ МОВА 1. What is the adventure book? Give the example
2. How do we call the story about future or space? Give the example
3. How do we call a book about a life of a famous person? Give the example
4. What is a horror book? Give the example
5. How do we call books about real facts and events? Give the example
6. What is romance? Give the examples
7. What do you usually read?
8. How much do you spend time reading?
9. Where do you read ?( at home, in a bus, in a café, just at the lessons etc)
10. What was the last book you read? What was it called? What was it about?
за ответ

olgafajzulloev olgafajzulloev    2   20.01.2021 17:51    0

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