англ 4 во Выберите правильную форму во к предложению:She speaks English well *
Does she speak English well?
Do she speak English well?
Speaks she English well?
Выберите правильную форму во к предложению: They usually have dinner at home *
Do they usually have dinner at home ?
have they usually dinner at home?
Are they usually having dinner at home?
Выберите правильную форму отрицательного предложения: They write an English test *
They does not write an English test
They do not write an English test
They write not an English test

помоги269 помоги269    1   21.04.2020 16:22    0

sasavotchel sasavotchel  13.10.2020 14:50

1. Who speaks French in your group?

2. Do they usually have dinner at home?

3. They do not write an English test.

Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык