* Andrew is going to a meeting in Oxford. He makes three telephone calls to ask for information
Complete the conversations with sentences from
the box
Can you give meanine information about
trains to Oxford on Monday morning?
Could you tell me the price?
Could you all me the mothe meeting
on Mandan
Did you say quarter past ten!
Do you have a double room on Monday night?
How can I help?
How much is a return ticket?
Shall I give you the address of our website?
That's correct
What time does the 6am train arrive in
3 Pu
A Hello. Lynn White speaking
B Hi Lynn It's Andrew
A Hi Andrew. What can I do for you?
B 'Could you tell me the time of the meeting on
A Eleven o'clock.
B Eleven o'clock. Thank you.
A Don't mention it See you on Monday.
B See you on Monday. Goodbye
C Network South West.
B Hello.
C There's one at ha.m and one at 10.30
C It arrives at quarter past ten
B Sorry.
C Yes that's right.
B Good
C A return costs $75.00
B OK. So the train's at 6am, it arrives at
quarter past ten and it's $75.
B OK night. Could I make a reservation?
D Wolvercote Arms Hotel Can I help you?
B Yes,
D One moment, please
yes, we do.
D It's $120, sir. Do you know the hotel?
B No, I don't
It has photos and directions
B Thank you
D It's www.wolvercotearmshotel...​

* Andrew is going to a meeting in Oxford. He makes three telephone calls to ask for informationCompl

peskovavikulya peskovavikulya    2   04.01.2021 01:38    2

nshexovceva18 nshexovceva18  04.01.2021 01:40

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* Andrew is going to a meeting in Oxford. He makes three telephone calls to ask for informationCompl
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