Anandaletter to her grandmother Listen to the text and read it. Do the track below.
20th September
Dear Granny
Sorry, this is my first letter ofter the holidays, but
I haven't got much free time. The shop is often full
in the afternoons, so I have to help mum. And i'm
going to help pod next Sunday morning, too. Dilip
usually works in the shop then. But he's not going to
be here nert Sunday - he's got a football match in
Both. Thot's why I'm writing this letter now. I had
a wonderful time in New York with joy. He's going
to visit us next year, he says. I hope so. I'm going to
send you my pictures of New York on a co. Then you
can look at them all on Uncle Amit's computer. When
ore you going to come to Bristol again? We're doing
o project on clothes and fashion at school - "Clothes
without money". My partner is a new girl in our form.
How's life in Delhi is it still very hot and wet? Are you
going to stay at home for the rainy season?
say hi to everyoody for me - and write soon.

glushak527 glushak527    3   22.11.2020 17:57    1

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