Amake sentences as in the example. example: not easy / write instructions in pascae it is not easy to write instructions in pascal. 1 advisable / test the program under different conditions 2 expensive / set up a data-processing area 3 unusual for a program / work correctly the first time it is tested 4 difficult for students / learn fortran 5 important / consider the capabilities of the programming language 6 quite easy / write instructions in basic

YumiChan153 YumiChan153    1   25.05.2019 02:50    5

Coolboy1213 Coolboy1213  21.06.2020 02:35
1   It's advisable to test the program under different conditions

2   It's expensive to set up a data-processing area

3   It's unusual for a program to work correctly the first time it is tested

4   It's difficult for students to learn FORTRAN

5   It's important to consider the capabilities of the programming language

6   It's quite easy to write instructions in BASIC
vlada041104 vlada041104  21.06.2020 02:35
1) It is advisable to test the programm under different conditions
2) It is expensive to set up a data-processing area
3) It is unusual for program to work correctly the first time it is tested
4) It is difficult for students to learn (что это за слово, может опечатка?)
5) It is important to consider the capabilities of programming language
6) It is quite easy to write instructions in basic
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