Am/is/are (exercises) 1.1 write the short form (she’s / we aren’t 1) she is …..she’s…. 2) they are ……… 3) it is not…………. 4) that is……… 5) i am not……… 6) you are not……… 1.2 put in am, is, or are. 1) the weather …is… nice today. 2) i … not tired. 3) this bag … heavy. 4) these bags … heavy. 5) look! there … carol. 6) my brother and i … good tennis players. 7) ann … at home. her children … at school. 8) i … a taxi driver. my sister … a nurse. 1.3 write full sentences. use is/isn’t/are/aren’t. 1) (your shoes very dirty) your shoes are very dirty. 2) (my brother a teacher) 3) (this house not very big) ……. 4) (the shops not open today) …… 5) (my keys in my bag) ……. 6) (jenny 18 years old) ……. 7) (you not very tall) ….

dvladimirov425 dvladimirov425    2   26.05.2019 12:30    5

7gklass2017 7gklass2017  22.06.2020 22:57
2) They're
3).  It's not
4) that's
5) I'm not
6) you're not

2) am
3) is
4) are
5) is
6) are 
7) is, are
8) am, is

2) My brother is a teacher
3) this house isn't very big
4) the shops aren't open today
5) my keys are in my bad
6) Jenny is 18 years old
7) you're not very tall 
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