Алку за курс Класса. . III вариант
Choose the correct option.
1. «I can't stay here any longer, I'm afraid.» «... >>
a) So can't I b) Neither can't I c) Me too d) Nor can I
2. Look over there - I think something...
a) is burning b) burns c) is burnt d) was burning
3. ...Mount Everest is in ... Himalayas
a)-, - b) The ,the
c) - , the d) The, -
4. When to Pete?
a) you talked b). talked you c). have you talked
d). did you
5. I ... get up early on Mondays
a) am able b) have to c) must
d) may
6. Would you
a) to close b) close
the door?
c) closing
7. We are sure they can
a) to win
the competition.
c) winning
b) win
8. I you tomorrow.
a) Phone b) will phone c) am phoning
9. Come in. We
b) are having
c) will have
a) have
10. Tom usually coffee, but today he tea.
a) drank drank b) drinks is drinking c) drinks will drink​

NastiaForever18 NastiaForever18    2   23.04.2021 14:55    0

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