Agree with the statements 1) jim can't play the piano 2) sue has been to london, 3) they didn't read this book, 4) jack went to the country at the weekend. 5) mary is a good student. 6). they were playing football at the moment, 7) he goes to school on saturdays. iv. choose the right item 1) this is (my, me, mine, i) book, 2) i cannot see (she, her, hers, herself). 3) these flowers are (they, theirs, their, them) 4) (he, his, himself) can't read french. 5) oh, i've cut (me, my, myself) 6) boys, you can do it (you, yours, yourself, yourselves).

dodmitry dodmitry    2   06.05.2019 15:37    1

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