Agenda порядок денний apology вибачення

assume (that) виходити (з того, що)

consultancy консалтингова компанія

controversial спірний, неоднозначний

clear очевидний

facilitator ведучий наради

follow sth. up виконувати подальші дії

heading заголовок

item пункт порядку денного

participant учасник

previous попередній

purchase купувати

time limit обмеження у часі

state визначати, стверджувати

put pressure on тиснути

in advance заздалегідь

memo меморандум, директива

AOB (any other business) різне

brainstorming мозкова атака

minutes протокол

board room зал засідань ради директорів

overview огляд

voting голосування

chairperson голова

decision-making прийняття рішення

Fill in the words from the active vocabulary:

1. This issue was discussed at the ... meeting.

2. He ... that the project would be completed on time.

3. Let’s move to the last item on the ... .

4. Details of the meeting were circulated well ... .

5. He did not ... on her to take the job.

6. Mention your sources at the end, under the ... ‘Bibliography’.

7. She ... shares in the company.

8. The prescribed ... must be strictly complied with.
Task 4. Give the words which correspond to the definitions:
1. Notes explaining what was discussed in a meeting.
2. The person who leads the discussion in a meeting.
3. A process which sometimes takes a long time in meetings.
4. A note which is distributed in a company to remind staff of something.
5. A method of decision-making used in some meetings.
6. The process of collecting ideas at the start of a meeting.
7. A room where important meetings are held in a company.
8. An abbreviation for the topics which are discussed at the end of a meeting.
9. A brief introduction which is given at the beginning of a meeting.

MarinaKim111 MarinaKim111    1   07.12.2020 20:14    2

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