. Add a question-tag to these sentences:
1. Roy isn’t fond of boxing, ?
2. It was an interesting exercise,?
3. You went to Tom last weekend,?
4. Our team has won,?
5. They mustn’t answer the letter,?
2. Complete the sentences with ‘who’, ‘which’ and ‘where’ :
1. The student I wanted to see was ill.
2. His car, is very old, breaks down often.
3. In London, John studies, he has spent three years already.
4. The boy, studied at that University, became a famous painter.
3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Perfect Tense:
1. After Linda (to feel) pain in her heart, she(to take) some medicine.
2. The doctor(to examine) his patient before the nurse (to give) him an injection.
3. After Mary ( to sleep) in the tent, she (to catch) a cold.
4. They (to do) exercises yesterday.
4. Write about the role of sport in your life :
- if you are a good sportsman and a member of a sport club;
- what you do to keep feet;
- your favourite kind of sport;
- why you like it;
- your favourite professional sportsman.

адамиммими1 адамиммими1    3   06.05.2020 15:14    0

Luna2904 Luna2904  12.08.2020 20:55

Могу только с двумя первыми заданиями.Упр.1  1)is he? 2)wasn't it? 3)didn't you? 4) hasn't it? 5) must they?   Упр.2  1)who 2) which 3) where 4)who


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