Active Voice Open the brackets using the correct tense form.
1. All last week they out a market research. (carry)
2. Last year she on business to Peru. (go)
3. My boss for me when I . (wait – arrive)
4. We this visit for months – you can’t cancel it now. (plan)
5. At last Mark finished the report. He on it for three days. (work)
6. This time next week I the terms of the contract with our partner. (discuss)
7. The board of directors this question by the end of the meeting. (discuss)
8. Nick (not/write) the report yet.
9. They (wait) for a bus for twenty minutes.
10. They (make) a decision by the end of the meeting.
11. The population of this city (increase) by 20 per cent since 2008.
12. James was happy, because he (pass) the exam.
13. John was happy because he (win) the first prize in the competition.
14. When we to the office the meeting (get - already/ start).
15. What you (do) this time last week?
16. – You (ever/be) to Norway? – Yes, I (be) there two years ago.
17. I ___ (not/ write) the essay yet. I (try) to finish it for already two hours.
18. They (not/see) each other for 5 years.
19. Nick (read) a scientific article now.
20. Jane (want) to work in Italy, so she (learn) Italian now.
21. - How long you (know) each other?
-We (know) each other for 3 years, since we (enter) the university.
22. How long you (study) sociology?
23. What you (do) this time tomorrow?
24. Yesterday I (find) a very interesting article about greenhouse effect when I (look) through scientific journals.
25. They (carry out) their research for 8 years by the time another group of scientists (join) them.

komissarova5310 komissarova5310    1   16.10.2020 11:35    5

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