Active or passive. 1) society often (is measured/ measures) success in terms of money. 2)countries also (try/are tried) to measure the success of their national economies. 3)each time a new product (sold/ is sold), gnp increases. 4)outside consultants (can call/ can be called)in to study work system atically. 5)the study of office systems and paperwork (calls/ is called) o& m (organisation and methods) 6)some economists( may study/may be studied) changes in the unemployment rate/ 7)we think productivity (could increase/ could be increased)as a result of our proposed activities/ 8)microeconomists (use/ are used)various methods to measure the perfomance of the economy/ 9) gnp (is included/ includes) only goods sold for the first time/ 10)if the survey (conducts/ is is conduced) in conjunction with the scheme it ll suit us/ 11) the factory (produces/ is produced) millions of cars every year and most of them ( export/ are exported.

misa0231as0231 misa0231as0231    3   01.09.2019 20:00    4

MrLinar MrLinar  06.10.2020 10:23
1 measures 2try  3is sold 4can be called, 5is called  6may study 7could be increased, 8use 9includes 10is conducted  11produces/ are exported
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