Acomplete the sentences with the correct word in a proper form.

measure •  dessert  • picturesque • imagination • fireworks • cucumber • junk • fizzy • cuisine • taste

what is there for the today? we’d like something sweet.

london fruit markets are a place for any visitor.

this monument    about ten meters high.

you can use your    to create some new dish.

the desserts in this café can suit any  .

what national    do you prefer?

it is better to watch    at night. it is more picturesque.

you can have    salad with the meat.

food is very harmful for any stomach. you should avoid it.

lemonade is a popular    drink among teens.

bunderline the correct item.



coat/jacket  potatoes

a bag of  crisps/tomatoes

a tub of  chips/ice cream

a bottle of  waffles/cola

a bunch of  cherries/bananas

a bar of  soup/chocolate

a pot of  celery/yogurt

a tin of  soup/cereal

timastic timastic    3   12.02.2020 22:50    146

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