Achoose the correct item 1 don't be late. the film at 8: 00 pm. a is starting b will start c starts 16 a good way to a problem is to think about it calmly and carefully. a win b beat c gain 2 the plane took off ten minutes after the last passenger had it. a caught b booked c boarded 17 after living in london for a few months, emma finally on the left. a used to b got used to c was used to 3 this picture at the beginning of the century. a was painted b had painted c painted 18 it like the bus is running late. let's catch a taxi. a is looking b has looked c looks 4 look at martha's expression. she screaming any minute now! a is starting b is going to start c will start 19 bob gets paid soon, he will not be able to pay his bills. a if b unless c when 5 lisa have cooked this delicious meal. she doesn't even know how to boil an egg! a mustn't b shouldn't c can't 20 there was thick black coming out of the burning building. a fog b smoke c smog 6 dan's health has really ever since he stopped eating junk food. a developed b increased c improved 21 mark said that he a great time in london the previous summer. a had had b would have c has had 7 nathan is selfish to care about what others think of him. a very b too c enough 22 michael must on the phone. i've tried calling him but his line is busy. a have talked b be talking c talk 8 we half the rubbish on the beach by the time jeff arrived. a have cleaned up b had cleaned up c had been cleaning up 23 what time does the train bristol? a arrive b get c reach 9 ben tells the jokes i've ever heard. a funnier b funniest c most funny 24 neither annabel sue has ever flown in a plane. a or b and c nor 10 when his mother asked him if he knew anything about the broken window, he just his shoulders and said nothing. a crossed b clenched c shrugged 25 mr adams speaks than anyone i know. a slower b more slowly c the most slowly 11 gary didn't mean you. he was just in a bad mood. a hurt b hurting c to hurt 26 sue wanted to change the appearance of her living room, so she by a professional interior designer. a decorated it b had it decorated c had decorated it 12 anne asked her new classmate where. a did he come b he came c does he come 27 john says that when he was a student, maths his least favourite subject. a were b has been c was 13 make sure you wear a hat when you're out in the weather. a steaming b boiling c baking 28 my mum says she'll never forget my dad for the first time. a to meet b she met c meeting 14 if frank us, we wouldn't have finished the project on time. a wouldn't help b didn't help c hadn't helped 29 the burning of fossil fuels has a bad on our environment. a drawback b impact c fault 15 we for three hours before we decided to take a break. a must be trekking b had been trekking c have been trekking 30 mum advised me the heavy box up the stairs. a not to carry b to not carry c don't carry

Nahchik Nahchik    3   29.07.2019 14:40    9

nas4285 nas4285  03.10.2020 16:39
1- С starts 
16 - B beat 
2 - C boarded
17 - B got used to 
3 - A was painted 
18 - C looks
4 - B is going to start
19 - B unless 
5 - С can't 
20 - B smoke
6 - C improved
21 - A had had 
7 - B too 
22 - B be talking 
8 - B had cleaned up
23 - C reach
9 - B funniest 
24 - C nor
10 - C shrugged
25 - A slower 
11 - C to hurt
26 - B had it decorated  
12 - B he came from 
27 - C was
13 - A boiling
28 - C meeting
14 - C hadn't helped
29 - B impact 
15 - B had been trekking
30 - A not to carry 
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