Absolute Infinitive Construction
Answer the questions
1 What is more popular now: cinema or theatre? Why?
2. What is the role of the theatre in the intellectual life of a country?
3. What famous Russian theatres do you know?
4. What is your favourite theatre? Why?
5. Are you a regular theatre-goer? When did you go to the theatre last?
6. Where do you buy the tickets?
7. Where do you like to sit during the performance? -
8. What do you like in the theatre most of all?
9. Do you like going to the cinema? Why?
10. Do you have a cinema near your house?
11. How do you choose the film you want to see?
12. What films do you prefer?
13. What is your favourite film? Why?

zoggvik13ouid1r zoggvik13ouid1r    3   02.04.2020 10:29    14

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