About Myself 1 Hello, let me introduce myself. 2 My name is Dmitriy, my surname is Petrov. 3 I’m 13 years old. 4 I’m Russian, I live in Saint-Petersburg.
5 I’m tall, I have brown eyes and brown hair.
6 Let me tell you a little about my family. 7 I live with my parents and my elder sister. 8 My father’s name is Vladimir, he is 40. 9 My mother’s name is Irina, she is 37.10 My father goes to work every day and my mother has a part-time job, so she also takes care of the house. 11 My sister’s name is Masha, she is 18. 12 She is a student, she is going to be an interpreter.
13 I’m a pupil.14 I study at school number 100.15 My favorite subjects are Mathematics and Physical Training. 16 My school is nice, but sometimes it’s rather boring. 17 I have good relations with my classmates.​

Lora20060 Lora20060    3   19.10.2020 11:43    17

daniilnz1 daniilnz1  19.10.2020 12:01

Привет! С чем конкретно тебе нужно


Текст уже написан, но с некоторыми ошибками. Поскольку четкое задание не указано, я исправлю некоторые ошибки.

7. Лучше сказать older, так как слово elder часто используется по отношению к старым/пожилым людям.

8 и 9 He is 40 years old, she is 37 years old.

10 Лучше добавить so she also has time to take care of our family (заботится можно о живом существе)

13 лучше student

16 it is boring или but i often get bored therу

17 relationships* а НЕ relations

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