A: (you - to come) for a picnic with me tomorrow, Kate?
K: Yes.
A: If I come to your house at 7, (you - to have) your breakfast already?
K: No, I (probably still - to eat). And my parents (still - to sleep) so don’t make a noise.
A: All right, I (to come) at 7.15 and I (not to make) any noise.
K: Good. Where (you - to take) me?
A: To Kyiv. We (to walk) through the woods and up the hill, and by 1 o’clock we (to become)
very hungry, so we (to eat) our sandwiches then. If we are lucky, the clouds which are in the sky
now (to disappear) by then and the sun (to shine).
K: Yes, if the weather is good, we (to have) a lovely time.

NeoBest1 NeoBest1    1   06.11.2020 20:18    14

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