A Visit to a Doctor On Monday Vlad felt unwell. He had a sore throat, a running nose and a bad cough. He went to college, but after the first period his teacher told him to go and see the doctor, because he had the symp¬toms of the flu, and it was a very catching disease. So Vlad left the college and went to a polyclinic. There were several people in the queue in front of the cabinet, but in less than half an hour Vlad's turn came and he entered.
Vlad: Good morning. May I come in?
Doctor: Yes, please. What is the matter with you?
Vlad: I think I have got a slight cold, doctor. I have a sore throat and a running nose.
Doctor: Do you cough?
Vlad: Yes, I do occasionally.
Doctor: Have you taken your temperature?
Vlad: As a matter of fact, I haven't, doctor.
Doctor; Then take a seat. Here is a thermometer. Well, young man, your temperature is rather high — it is 38.4°. Let me examine your throat. Now strip to the waist, please. I must sound your chest. All right, you may dress yourself.
Vlad: Well, doctor, is there anything serious the matter with me?
Doctor: Don't worry; there is nothing really serious. You have got flu. It is spring now, and many people suffer from flu. But you shouldn't treat your disease lightly. It often leads to complica¬tions, if a patient doesn't follow the doctor's advice.
Vlad: What am 1 to do, doctor?
Doctor: Here is the recipe, take these pills three times a day. Gargle your throat with this mixture every two hours. Don't go to the chemist's yourself. Ask your relatives to go and fetch the med¬icine for you. Drink hot tea or milk. And stay in bed for at least three days. Do you need a sick leave?
Vlad: Yes, I do.
Doctor: Then I'll give you a leave for three days, and then you will come to see me again.
Vlad: Thank you very much, doctor. Goodbye.
Having left the polyclinic, Vlad went straight home. He asked Alexei to go to the chemist's for the medicine and went to bed. He followed the doctor's advice and did everything he had prescribed. His friends called him and asked how he felt. They wanted to come and see him, but Vlad's mother didn't allow them to. So they sent him some to read. By the end of the third day Vlad stopped sneezing and cough¬ing and his temperature was normal again. He was glad that he recov¬ered.
Болеть чем-либо- be ill with something
Плохо себя чувствовать- be unwell/ feel unwell
Хорошо себя чувствовать- be well/ feel well
Простудиться- catch cold
Аптека- chemist’s (shop)
Жаловаться на что-либо- complain of something
Осложнения- complications
Избежать осложнений- avoid complications
Кашель, кашлять - cough
Лечить, лекарство – cure
Лекарство от всех болезней (панацея от всех бед)- cure-all
Зубной врач – dentist
Хирург - surgeon
Заразная болезнь- catching disease/ illness
Неизлечимая болезнь- incurable disease
Осматривать, обследовать- examine
Заболеть чем-либо- fall ill with something
Чувствовать себя больным- feel sick and giddy
Жар, лихорадка- a fever
Грипп- flu
Болеть гриппом- suffer from flu
Плохо лечиться – treat the disease lightly
Следовать советам врача - follow the doctor’s advice
Головная боль/ зубная/желудочная- a headache/ toothache/ stomachache
Здоровье (хорошее, плохое)- health (strong, poor)
Здоровый- healthy
Лекарство- medicine, remedy
Медсестра- a nurse
Семейный доктор (терапевт)-GP (general practitioner)
Пациент- a patient
Выписывать- prescribe
рецепт- a recipe
Выздоравливать- recover
Иметь высокую температуру- run a temperature
Измерить чью-то температуру- take somebody’s temperature
Насморк- a running nose
Высморкаться- blow the nose
Приходить на прием к врачу- see (consult) a doctor
Больничный лист / отпуск по болезни- a sick leave
Чихать- sneeze
Больное горло- a sore throat
Симптомы гриппа- the symptoms of the flu
Упражнение 1. Составьте 10 предложений с лексикой из текста.
Упражнение 2. Придумайте начала предложений
Think of the beginning of the sentences.
Nina had all the symptoms of flu so she was given a sick leave.
If someone coughs and sneezes he must go to see the doctor.
Because of Vlad followed the doctor’s advice, he recovered quickly.
He took the medicine and stayed in bed, this helped him to avoid the complications after the flu.
Try to stop smoking if you want to be healthy.
Having examined the patient’s throat, the doctor asked the nurse to take his temperature.