А trip is a journey on which you visit a place or several places for a particular purpose and then come back. Cycling, climbing, sailing and skiing can be put into the phrase go on a … trip. Would you like to go on a cycling trip?

Our tourist team is going to go on a climbing trip to the Alps.

My family and I went on an amazing sailing trip last summer.

Some students prefer to go on a skiing trip on their winter vacations.

The phrases go on a guided tour, go on a safari, go to summer camp, go trekking are used on their own without the word trip.

My cousin went on a guided tour last summer.

A married couple went on a safari.

Actually a lot of young people go to summer camp.

Sometimes we go trekking to enjoy nature and to be​

voldemarsoybzwx voldemarsoybzwx    1   16.11.2020 05:30    9

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