A. Say what you will do tomorrow if you are not busy. Пример: If I'm not busy tomorrow, I'll go skiing.
(ещё 3 примера)

B. Say when you will do these things.
Например :I'll listen to my favourite music when my brother brings the disk
(ещё 3 примера)
Составьте к каждому по 3. В сумме должно быть 6 предл.​

mamanazaruz60 mamanazaruz60    3   29.03.2021 16:49    0

polly009090 polly009090  28.04.2021 16:50

A. If I'm not busy tomorrow I'll walk the dog. If I'm not busy tomorrow I'll hang out with my friends. If I'm not busy tomorrow I'll help mum with the shopping.

B. I'll walk the dog when I get back from school. I'll clean my room when I finish my homework. I'll go swimming when my mum gets me a new swimsuit.

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