A. it's very old.

B. a famous scientist uses it.

C. it has historic importance.

2. The original idea of the World Wide Web was ...

A. to allow communication between a group of computers.

B. to make information free all around the world

C. to connect all the scientists in Switzerland

3. The World Wide Web has always ...

A. been free.

B. been open for the whole world to use.

C. had billions of users.

4. Sir Tim Berners-Lee believes that...

A. the future does not look good for the World Wide Web

B. it is dangerous that everyone can use the World Wide Web.

C. everyone should be part of the future World Wide Web.

5. The author thinks that...

A. the Web is nothing special because it belongs to everyone.

B. the Web is a perfect invention.

C. Sir Tim's computer will be a popular exhibit.

Olesya15551 Olesya15551    2   11.12.2020 12:00    0

yarikkuisluiy yarikkuisluiy  10.01.2021 12:02

1 С 2 В 3 В *не точно* 4 А 5 А

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