A: I like that idea. It's not good to eat too
we need for our trio
to the festival?
Choose the correct word,
B: Well, we haven't got 1) any/some drinks.
A: Right, let's get 2) some/a lot water, then
How 3) much/many bottles should we buy
B: We're going to be there for the whole
and cucumber, too, for a healthy option.
A: Have we got everything we need for
weekend, so we'll need 4) lots of/a lot
think we should get 5) some/few snacks for
the journey, too.
A: Good idea. How about 6) a little/a few
packets of crisps or biscuits? We shouldn't
take 7) some/any chocolate because
might melt in the heat.
B: Yes, we can cut up 8) a few/a little carrot
9) many/much junk food.
Adjectives inпо

Vika53483 Vika53483    2   01.02.2021 12:04    0

hellkrest1 hellkrest1  03.03.2021 12:07



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A: I like that idea. It's not good to eat too need for our trioto the festival?Choose the
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