A) find in the texts the words which have the similar meanings as the following words: to dirty, different, to destroy, to throw, waste, to run, disease, to reduce, complex, to manufacture, at once, quantity, constantly. b) find in the texts the words which have the opposite meanings to the following words: to clean, the same, to restore, unnatural, the least, death, to increase, ugly, simple, small, little, to begin, visible, national. c) read, translate the sentences, change the words in italics into the words with similar and opposite meanings. 1. as a rule, they pollute the surroundings. 2. they are constantly reducing the pollution. 3. this is a very complex problem. 4. they have various problems. 5. they are destroying the surroundings.

Idgy Idgy    1   17.04.2019 20:28    1587

Maxys365 Maxys365  16.01.2024 12:52
A) Найдите в текстах слова, которые имеют схожие значения с следующими словами: грязный, разный, разрушать, бросать, тратить, бегать, болезнь, уменьшать, сложный, производить, сразу, количество, постоянно.

1. to dirty - to pollute (загрязнять)
Explanation: The word "pollute" has a similar meaning to "to dirty" as it refers to making something unclean or contaminated.

2. different - various (различный)
Explanation: The word "various" has a similar meaning to "different" as it implies a range of options or possibilities.

3. to destroy - to ruin (разрушать)
Explanation: The word "ruin" has a similar meaning to "to destroy" as it involves causing severe damage or destruction to something.

4. to throw - to toss (бросать)
Explanation: The word "toss" has a similar meaning to "to throw" as it suggests a casual or careless action of throwing something.

5. waste - garbage (отходы)
Explanation: The word "garbage" has a similar meaning to "waste" as it refers to discarded or useless materials.

6. to run - to sprint (бежать)
Explanation: The word "sprint" has a similar meaning to "to run" as it denotes running at a fast, rapid pace.

7. disease - illness (болезнь)
Explanation: The word "illness" has a similar meaning to "disease" as it represents a condition of poor health or sickness.

8. to reduce - to decrease (уменьшать)
Explanation: The word "decrease" has a similar meaning to "to reduce" as it implies making something smaller in quantity or size.

9. complex - complicated (сложный)
Explanation: The word "complicated" has a similar meaning to "complex" as it suggests a situation or concept that is difficult to understand or analyze.

10. to manufacture - to produce (производить)
Explanation: The word "produce" has a similar meaning to "to manufacture" as it involves making or creating something, usually in a large scale or quantity.

11. at once - immediately (сразу)
Explanation: The word "immediately" has a similar meaning to "at once" as it refers to doing something without delay or hesitation.

12. quantity - amount (количество)
Explanation: The word "amount" has a similar meaning to "quantity" as it signifies the extent, volume, or number of something.

13. constantly - continuously (постоянно)
Explanation: The word "continuously" has a similar meaning to "constantly" as it denotes something happening or occurring without interruption or pause.

B) Найдите в текстах слова, которые имеют противоположные значения следующим словам: чистить, то же самое, восстанавливать, ненатуральный, наименьший, смерть, увеличивать, уродливый, простой, маленький, мало, начинать, видимый, национальный.

1. to clean - to dirty (грязный)
Explanation: The word "to dirty" has an opposite meaning to "to clean" as it refers to making something unclean or contaminated.

2. the same - different (разный)
Explanation: The word "different" has an opposite meaning to "the same" as it indicates a lack of similarity or dissimilarity between things.

3. to restore - to damage (разрушать)
Explanation: The word "to damage" has an opposite meaning to "to restore" as it involves causing harm or impairing something.

4. unnatural - natural (естественный)
Explanation: The word "natural" has an opposite meaning to "unnatural" as it implies conforming or relating to the laws or processes of nature.

5. the least - the most (наименьший)
Explanation: The word "the most" has an opposite meaning to "the least" as it signifies the greatest or highest degree or amount.

6. death - life (жизнь)
Explanation: The word "life" has an opposite meaning to "death" as it represents the state or condition of being alive.

7. to increase - to decrease (уменьшать)
Explanation: The word "to decrease" has an opposite meaning to "to increase" as it implies making something smaller in quantity or size.

8. ugly - beautiful (красивый)
Explanation: The word "beautiful" has an opposite meaning to "ugly" as it suggests having qualities that please or delight the senses or mind.

9. simple - complex (сложный)
Explanation: The word "complex" has an opposite meaning to "simple" as it denotes a situation or concept that is difficult to understand or analyze.

10. small - big (большой)
Explanation: The word "big" has an opposite meaning to "small" as it indicates a greater size, extent, or amount.

11. little - much (много)
Explanation: The word "much" has an opposite meaning to "little" as it signifies a large or significant amount or degree.

12. to begin - to end (кончать)
Explanation: The word "to end" has an opposite meaning to "to begin" as it represents bringing something to a conclusion or finishing it.

13. visible - invisible (невидимый)
Explanation: The word "invisible" has an opposite meaning to "visible" as it suggests not being able to be seen or perceived with the eyes.

C) Прочитайте предложения, переведите их, замените слова, выделенные курсивом, словами с похожими и противоположными значениями.

1. Как правило, они загрязняют окружающую среду.
Translation: As a rule, they pollute the environment.

2. Они постоянно сокращают загрязнение.
Translation: They constantly reduce pollution.

3. Это очень сложная проблема.
Translation: This is a very complicated problem.

4. У них есть разные проблемы.
Translation: They have various problems.

5. Они разрушают окружающую среду.
Translation: They are destroying the environment.
лоартем1 лоартем1  31.01.2021 16:00