A Fill in the correct word. (*2, max 12) • determined • curious • daring • patient • sociable • imaginative
1. Peter is very …. He comes up with the most amazing stories.
2. My brother is …. He’s friendly and enjoys talking to other people
3. My sister is very …. When she wants something she does everything she can to achieve it.
4. Alice was …. She asked a lot of questions.
5. Be …! We’ll be out of here in a minute.
6. Michael goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. He is very ….
В Underline the correct item. (*1, max 10)
7. Jennifer is tall and slim/straight.
8. Claudia has a pretty face with brown, wavy eyes/hair.
9. John is the young boy with the spiky/skinny blond hair.
10. Mum and Dad both have dark appearances/tans.
11. My brother has long/big hair.
12. You have green eyes and curly/round blond hair.
13. My baby sister has cute pigtails/face.
14. My uncle is really tall with a moustache/hair.
15. My hair is shoulder-length/tall.
16. Adam has freckles/beard on his face.
C Complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb. (*2, max 12)
17. The girl … hair is curly is my elder sister.
18. He tried to explain … he did such a thing.
19. That’s the girl … lives next door.
20. That’s the man, … house has burned down.
21. 1066 was the year … William the Conqueror came to England.
22. This is the skate-park … people come to skateboard.
D Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word (participle –ed or –ing) (*2, max 12)
23. The lesson was really … (interest)
24. This story is so … (excite)
25. The film was really … (bore)
26. Jane is always … (tire) after work.
27. Jack is … (scare) of spiders.
28. He was … (disappoint) because his team didn’t win the match.
E Put the adjectives into the correct order to complete the phrases (*2, max 14)
29. • talented • teenage • Italian
a(n) … … … artist
30. • Japanese • young • interesting
a(n) … … … student
31. • famous • Russian • well-built
a … … …. boxer
32. • tall • French • easy-going
a(n) … … … actor
33. • English • nice • middle-aged
a(n) … … … writer
34. • German • pretty • intelligent
a(n) … … … scientist
35. • young • excellent • American
a(n) … … … skateboarder

DashaAndreanova DashaAndreanova    1   13.11.2020 11:45    132

БадяМэн БадяМэн  27.12.2023 07:57
1. Peter is very imaginative. He comes up with the most amazing stories. (The word "imaginative" describes Peter's ability to create stories)
2. My brother is sociable. He’s friendly and enjoys talking to other people. (The word "sociable" describes the behavior and personality of the brother)
3. My sister is very determined. When she wants something, she does everything she can to achieve it. (The word "determined" describes the sister's strong will and persistence)
4. Alice was curious. She asked a lot of questions. (The word "curious" describes Alice's eagerness to learn and discover)
5. Be patient! We’ll be out of here in a minute. (The word "patient" suggests the need to remain calm and wait for a short period of time)
6. Michael goes skateboarding in winter and windsurfing in summer. He is very daring. (The word "daring" describes Michael's adventurous and bold nature)

7. Jennifer is tall and slim. (The correct item is "slim" as it describes Jennifer's physical appearance)
8. Claudia has a pretty face with brown, wavy hair. (The correct item is "hair" as it describes Claudia's physical appearance)
9. John is the young boy with the spiky blond hair. (The correct item is "spiky" as it describes John's hairstyle)
10. Mum and Dad both have dark tans. (The correct item is "tans" as it describes the skin color of Mum and Dad)
11. My brother has long hair. (The correct item is "long" as it describes the length of the brother's hair)
12. You have green eyes and curly blond hair. (The correct item is "curly" as it describes the texture of the hair)
13. My baby sister has cute pigtails. (The correct item is "pigtails" as it describes the hairstyle)
14. My uncle is really tall with a mustache. (The correct item is "mustache" as it describes the feature on the uncle's face)
15. My hair is shoulder-length. (The correct item is "shoulder-length" as it describes the length of the hair)
16. Adam has freckles on his face. (The correct item is "freckles" as it describes a feature on Adam's face)

17. The girl whose hair is curly is my elder sister. (The relative pronoun "whose" is used to specify the girl and describe her hair)
18. He tried to explain why he did such a thing. (The relative pronoun "why" is used to introduce the reason for his actions)
19. That’s the girl who lives next door. (The relative pronoun "who" is used to specify the girl and describe her residence)
20. That’s the man whose house has burned down. (The relative pronoun "whose" is used to specify the man and describe his house)
21. 1066 was the year when William the Conqueror came to England. (The relative adverb "when" is used to specify the time when an event occurred)
22. This is the skate-park where people come to skateboard. (The relative pronoun "where" is used to specify the place where people engage in skateboarding)

23. The lesson was really interesting. (The word "interesting" describes the quality of the lesson)
24. This story is so exciting. (The word "exciting" describes the emotional impact of the story)
25. The film was really boring. (The word "boring" describes the lack of interest in the film)
26. Jane is always tired after work. (The word "tired" describes Jane's state of fatigue)
27. Jack is scared of spiders. (The word "scared" describes Jack's fear towards spiders)
28. He was disappointed because his team didn’t win the match. (The word "disappointed" describes his emotional state due to the outcome of the match)

29. a talented teenage Italian artist
30. a young interesting Japanese student
31. a famous well-built Russian boxer
32. a tall easy-going French actor
33. a nice middle-aged English writer
34. a pretty intelligent German scientist
35. a young excellent American skateboarder
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