А) Complete the sentences with the past simple form of five of the verbs. One verb you don`t need. travel  win eat  go  not listen  make  not see 
You went to bed early last night.
1 He dinner for his family.
2 I the chess game!
3 She him at the library.
4 I to music last night.
5 They lots of chips
6. Sara around the world last year

В) Write questions with the past simple. Then write your own answers.
1. your English teacher / you / homework / yesterday (give)

2. where / you / on holiday / last year (go)

3.what / your friends / you / for your birthday (buy)
4. you / any computer games / yesterday (play)

pipia07 pipia07    3   23.12.2020 20:08    0

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