A) complete the sentences with positive froms or be . Use contraction 1) I ___ Sonia D`Angelo
2) They at university
3) It Tuesday today
4) Julio on holiday
5) We from the BBC
6) You in my class , Yasmin

B) complete the conversation. Use the correct froms or be
Farah: 1) you Cindy?
Jenny: No, I 2). I 3) Jennifer
Farah: 4) you a student?
Jenny: No, I 5) the teacher! 6) you a student ?
Farah: Yes , I 7)
Jenny: Ok, please sit down

C) Put the words in the correct order. Start with the underlined word.
1) in\Debra\the\cafe\isn`t.
2) name\your\Is\Khan?
3) at\Mrs\aren`t\Mr\airport\and\Cabrera\the.
4) friend\is\Paolo\This\my.
5) their\What\names\are?
6) centre\`s\Where\health\the?

TATARIN001 TATARIN001    1   12.09.2021 22:11    12

Аранида Аранида  12.09.2021 22:20


надеюсь мой почерк понятный

A) complete the sentences with positive froms or be . Use contraction 1) I ___ Sonia D`Angelo 2) The
A) complete the sentences with positive froms or be . Use contraction 1) I ___ Sonia D`Angelo 2) The
A) complete the sentences with positive froms or be . Use contraction 1) I ___ Sonia D`Angelo 2) The
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