A Complete the sentences with a family word 1 Your mother and father are your passerts
2 Your grandfather's father is your
3 A child who has no brothers or sisters is an
4 Your brother's or sister's daughter is your
5 A child who parents take into their family and treat as
their own is an a
6 Your partner, children, parents, and brothers and
sisters are your
7. Your father's new wife is your st
8 Your wife or husband's brother is your
9 A sister who shares one parent with you is
10 Your brothers and sisters are yours
11 Your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are your
12 Your brother's or sister's son is your n
13 Your stepmother's or stepfather's daughter from an
earlier relationship is your st. БЕЗ ПЕРЕВОДа простой ответь те
2. Great-grandfather
3. Only child
4. Niece
5. Adopted child
6. Relatives
7. Stepmother
8. Brother-in-law
9. Half-sister
10. Siblings
11. Extended family
12. Nephew
13. Step-sibling