A. choose a, b or c
1. you shouldn't try to revenge. it was just an accident.
a. make
b. take
c. give
2. your notebook is in the top of the desk.
a. drawer b. corridor
c. streamer
3. i just love the of these flowers.
a. smell
b. touch
c. sense
4. i don't want to have any chocolate cake. i feel like having something
a. clear
b. savoury
c. sweet
5. don't others that way! you should be more polite.
a. consider b. arrange
c. treat
6. which will the event take place at?
a. surface b.venue
c. atmosphere
7. dina was carrying a so she could see in the dark.
a. decoration b. mask
c. lantern
8. peter is his way to the library.
a. in
b. on
c. by
9. i felt very by his behaviour.
a. insulted b. smashed
c. haunted​

kiranovm14 kiranovm14    1   30.11.2019 19:39    0

Батыр100 Батыр100  10.10.2020 17:30
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6 b
8. B
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