A. a Golden Tryzub (trident) on a blue background. B. in their own history 18. The National Emblem of Ukraine is... C. of the biggest probiems facing the world today D. the All-Ukrainian Referendum took place in the country. E. putting on weight. 19. Too much beer can lead to your... 20. Young people are active participants. 21, Climate change is one .. 17. 18 19. 20. 21. 22. Members of the Verkhovna Rada are called: a) deputies c) national symbols 23. What phrase should you write at the end of the letter? -in case of refusal -your eurly reply will be appreciated -nevertheless -we are pleased to inform you that 24. Give the correct translation of the expression: "work of art"? b) families and friends of children d) members of the House of Lords​

bisenkoda bisenkoda    1   12.05.2021 14:08    0

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