A 25. а) Перепишите предложения, вставляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. Прочитайте написанное 1. … you … me that magazine? (to show) 2. I … to the doctor tomorrow. (to go) 3. I hope he … back in an hour. (to be) 4. We … not … at school after the lessons tomorrow. (to stay) 5. When … the train …? (to start)
6. We … at the bus stop at a quarter to four. (to meet).​

JanaVaab JanaVaab    2   26.01.2021 13:35    2

Serpopi Serpopi  25.02.2021 13:35

1. Will you show me that magazine?

2. I am going to the doctor tomorrow.

3. I hope he will be back in an hour.

4. We will not be at school after the lessons tomorrow.

5. When will the train start?

6. We will be at the bus stop at a quarter to four.

золотесерце золотесерце  25.02.2021 13:35

1) Will you show me that magazine?

2) I am going to the doctor tomorrow.

3) I hope he will be back in an hour.

4) We will not be at school after the lessons tomorrow.

5) When will the train start?

6) We will be at the bus stop at a quarter

to four.

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