9one-pound coin 16. put in a, an, the or nothing (-) a true story in (1) 1969, in (2) portland, (3) oregon, (4) man went to rob (5) bank. he didn't want (6) people in (7) bank to know what was happening, so he walked up to one of (8) cashiers, wrote on (9) piece of (10) paper “this is (11) robbery and i've got (12) gun', and showed (13) paper to (14) cashier. then he wrote 'take all (15) money out of your drawer and put it in (16) paper bag.' (17) cashier read (18) message, wrote at (19) bottom of (20) - paper 'i haven't got (21) paper bag' and gave (22) paper back to (23) robber. ( robber ran out of (25) bank.

Настюша1118 Настюша1118    2   28.05.2019 12:15    20

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