98 , 5-й раз task iii. translate the following sentences into english. 1.телеграму послали вчора. 2.шпаківні (birdhouses) вішають щовесни. 3.листи будуть написані через два дні. 4.за племінниками приглянуть сусіди. 5.продукти купуються татом щосуботи. 6.огірки були посіяні в квітні. 7.тістечка зазвичай печуться бабусею. 8.конференцію буде проведено у вересні. 9.текст було надруковано тиждень тому. 10.віллу буде відремонтовано наступного року. 11.помідори замариновані (to pickle) місяць тому. 12.хворих оперують щовівторка. test 2 task i. complete the fallowing sentences using the present, past and future passive. 1.tracy there by her close friends last week, (to invite) 2.barbecues always by the browns near this lake, (to cook) 3.the tickets in advance next week, (to buy) 4.carrots usually by me for breakfast, (to grate) 5.the puppy a minute ago. (to lose) 61 6.this boy by our family in a month, (to adopt) 7.the cucumbers here every year, (to grow) 8.the words by the teacher ten minutes ago. (to erase) 9.this topic at the next meeting, (to mention)

Galia8 Galia8    2   27.09.2019 08:50    1

Цыпленочка Цыпленочка  08.10.2020 22:23
1 The telegram was sent yesterday.
2.Birdhouses are hung in Spring.
3.The sheets will be written in two days.
4. The nephews will be looked after by the neighbours.
5.The food is bought by Dad every Saturday.
6.The cuucumbers are sown in April.
7.The cake is usually baked by grandmother.
8.The conference will be held in September
9.The text was typed a week ago.
10.The tomatos were puckled a month ago.
11.Patients are operated on every Tuesday.

1. was invited
2.are always cooked
3.will be bought
4.are usually grated
5.was lost

6.was adopted
7.are grown
8.were erased
9 .will be mentioned
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