9. замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным, обращая внимание на времена группы perfect: образец: they have built a new house in our street. a new house has been built in our street. soviet scientists have made many wonderful discoveries. they will have published this book by the end of the year. he has done very little work recently. by saturday he had found all the necessary material. she had finished her work by this time yesterday.

zomarova003 zomarova003    2   18.08.2019 11:20    10

Tsoller04 Tsoller04  05.10.2020 02:44
Many wonderful discoveries have been made by Soviet scientists.
This book will have been published by the end of the year.
Very little work He has been done by him recently.
By Saturday all the necessary material had been found by him.
By this time yesterday her work had been finished.
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