9. Write the questions to the answers. (напишите во и ответы на них,
используя Present Continuous)
E.g. Tom is reading a book in the library. – Where is Tom reading a book?/What is Tom
1. Paul is working today. –

2. Your friends are going to the cinema. –

3. The trolley bus is coming to the stop. –

4. Mr. Williams is painting the hospital. –

5. James is doing his homework. –

6. Ann and Lyn are sitting in the café now. –

dashullya2001 dashullya2001    2   15.04.2020 11:51    167

Ibrolya Ibrolya  21.01.2024 14:06
1. Where is Paul working today? / What is Paul doing?
2. Where are your friends going? / What are your friends doing?
3. Where is the trolley bus coming to? / What is the trolley bus doing?
4. What is Mr. Williams painting? / What is Mr. Williams doing?
5. What is James doing? / What is James doing?
6. Where are Ann and Lyn sitting now? / What are Ann and Lyn doing?
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