9 Choose the correct item. 1 Look at him! He a horse. A rides B riding C is riding 2 He usually tennis in the afternoon. A plays B play C is playing 3 What in the kitchen, Mum? A do you B are you doing C you do 4 She dinner now. A isn't having B doesn't have C don't have 5 He comic books every day. A read B is reading C reads 6 Be quiet! The baby A sleep B sleeps C is sleeping 7 he like exercising? A Do B Does C Is 8 Look! The dog with the ball. A plays B is playing C are playing

taniataolia taniataolia    3   09.12.2021 16:56    226

DaNike1502 DaNike1502  12.01.2024 11:21
1. The correct item is A: rides. We use the verb "rides" to show that he is currently riding the horse.
2. The correct item is A: plays. We use the verb "plays" to indicate that he usually plays tennis in the afternoon.
3. The correct item is B: are you doing. We use the verb phrase "are you doing" to ask about someone's current actions in the kitchen.
4. The correct item is A: isn't having. We use the negative form of the verb "have" with the auxiliary verb "isn't" to show that she is not currently having dinner.
5. The correct item is C: reads. We use the simple present tense verb "reads" to indicate a regular action of reading comic books every day.
6. The correct item is C: is sleeping. We use the present continuous tense verb "is sleeping" to show that the baby is currently in the state of sleeping.
7. The correct item is B: Does. We use the third person singular form of the verb "Does" to ask about someone's preference or liking.
8. The correct item is B: is playing. We use the present continuous tense verb "is playing" to show that the dog is currently in the state of playing with the ball.
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