, умоляю решите по .
i. read the text and choose a word from the list to complete each gap. change its form to make a word/a group of words that fits in the gap. different aspects of form change are possible: active or passive voice; indicative, imperative or subjunctive mood; finite or non-finite forms (infinitive, gerund, participle), etc.
for example:
(be) he is said to have been the greatest surgeon of his time.



they are about 750 mm long, 150 mm wide and usually made of tough pvc. they are time capsules. although ancient civilisations often left items in graves that 1. … their way of life, they 2. … for the afterlife. what seems to be new about the current craze for time capsules is the idea of leaving things for future generations to learn about us (always 3. …, that is, that they will be sufficiently interested 4. … so). apart from individuals, there are also many organisations busy 5. … these brightly-coloured canisters. often 6. … to coincide with a company anniversary, the event may be marked by a ceremony designed 7. … useful media coverage. schools, too, 8. … in on the act, with projects based on capsules. there is, though, just one problem with time capsules: in many cases, nobody can remember where they are. of the 10,000 known 9. … in various parts of the world during the last 60 years, over 9,000 10. … .

StasSav06 StasSav06    2   06.12.2019 22:03    2

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