8. Заполни пропуски подходящими вопросительными местоимениями. what, who, whose, where, how, when, why
1. book is this? It's mine.
is this man?
3. is it?
4.is this woman?
5.do you live?
6.old are you?
7.are you from?
8.___cat is this? It's Mary's cat.
9.do you do?
10.do you like this book? It's interesting.
11.is your friend's name?
12.is your favorite book?
13.do you usually get up?
14.do you like to eat?
15. HI,are you today?
16.do you study English? Every day!
17.___money have you got? 20 dollars!
18.books have they got? 100!​

stasbrega stasbrega    1   20.03.2021 16:09    2

turgalieva18 turgalieva18  20.03.2021 16:10

1. Whose book is this? It's mine.

2. Who is this man?

3. Where is it?

4. Who is this woman?

5. Where do you live?

6. How old are you?

7. Where are you from?

8. Whose cat is this? It's Mary's cat.

9. What do you do?

10. Why do you like this book?

It's interesting.

11.  What is your friend's name?

12. What is your favourite book?

13. When do you usually get up?

14. What do you like to eat?

15. Hi, how are you today?

16. How often do you study English?

Every day!

17. How many money have you got?

20 dollars!

18. How many books they have got?


4Миатрисс654 4Миатрисс654  20.03.2021 16:10

ответ:1whose 2 who 3 what = who 4 who 5;where 6 how 7 where 8 whose 9 what 10 why 11 what 12 what) 13 when 14 what 15:how 16 when 17 how much 18 how many


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