8. вставьте глагол to be в present simple, past simple или future simple 1) today the weather … nice but yesterday it … cold. 2) i hope next summer it … sunny and warm. 3) used cars … cheaper but less reliable than new cars. 4) the city centre … crowded with tourists last summer. 5) his aunt … happy to live in the country next holidays. 6) my grandfather … proud of his grandchildren. 7) my husband worked in the hospital. he is… a doctor. 8) do you think your wife … right? 9) don’t worry, i .. in time for my work tomorrow. 10) why … you always so jealous of other people?

1234567891011121314з 1234567891011121314з    1   04.07.2019 07:40    13

лиза2741 лиза2741  28.07.2020 01:25
1) is,was 2)will 3)is 4) were 5) will 6)is 7)was8) is 9)shall 10)are
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