8. Translate pronouns given in brackets.
1. What is (TBoe) name?
2. What is (Bam) father by profession?
3. (Ee) brother is a pilot.
4. Ask (ero) what (ero) address is.
5. He is fond of (CBOÉ) granny.
6. The institute is famous for (CBOHMH) modern programs.
7. Ask (HX) to help (eň).
8. (Ham) friends are from Kursk.
9. Are these (ee) friends? No, they are (MOH).
10. Give (HM) (HX) notebooks.
11. These are (ero) books, not (Bamh).
12. Help (emy).
13. (Oha) has got many close and distant relatives.
14. Whose parents are these? - (Ee).
15. Is (Hx) father at home?
16. Ask (HX) what (Hx) parents are by profession?

roman19781975 roman19781975    3   20.02.2020 12:57    18

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