8 They needed to buy / buying to music. 2 She was tired so she decided to go / going home.
4 He started working / to work in the theatre.
5 They can't stand waiting / to wait for a bus.
6 lenjoy acting / to act in comedy roles.
7 You hoped to see / seeing Mariya at the
3 Look at the words in blue in the text. Choose
the correct word to complete the sentences.
Sometimes both are possible.
1 Asanaly Ashimov liked acting / to act.
3 We wanted to watch / watching a film
weekend, didn't you?
9 Ifancy to eat / eating an ice cream​

spiner21 spiner21    1   14.12.2020 11:57    1

1903vita 1903vita  14.12.2020 12:00

1.to buy


3.to work

4.to wait for a bus


6.to see


мог только с этим т.к там 2задание идёт работа с текстом

а на счёт первого задания , там все логично если перевести to work-работать

все на логику и на правило идёт

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