8 Make up the sentences.
1. will / cloudy / be / It / tomorrow.
2. be / the weather / like / What/ tomorrow / will?
3. rainy / won't / tomorrow / It / be / in / Madrid.
4. It / sunny / be / will / tomorrow / Turkey / in.
5. won't / cold / tomorrow / be / It / London / in.
6. will / be / like / the weather / What / on Sat-
7. cold / It / be / tomorrow / will / Moscow / in.
8. Orenburg / snowy / It / won't I be l in /
weekend / at / the.
9. What / be / in / New York / will / the weath-
er / like?
10. It / be / won't / cloudy / the / in / even-
ing / today.

8 Make up the sentences. 1. will / cloudy / be / It / tomorrow. 2. be / the weather / like / What/ t

BOGDANPETRYEV BOGDANPETRYEV    3   13.05.2021 22:24    10

ruslapanazavr ruslapanazavr  12.06.2021 22:25

1. It will be cloudy tomorrow

2. What will be like the weather tomorrow?

3. It won't be rainy tomorrow in Madrid.

4. It will be sunny tomorrow in Turkey.

5. It won't be cloud tomorrow in London.

6. What will be like the weather on Saturday.

7. It will be cold tomorrow in Moscow.

8. It won't be snowy in Orenburg at the weekend.

9. What will be like the weather in New York.

10. It won't be cloudy today in the evening.

Объяснение: ♡Надеюсь ♡

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