76.Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice. They produced a lot of cotton in China last year. A) a lot of cotton has produced in China last year. B) they were produced a lot of cotton in China last year. C) a lot of cotton was produced in China last year. D)China was produced a lot of cotton last year. E) a lot of cotton has been produced in China last year. 77.Choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice. Nick has planted all these trese in our orchard. A)all these trees had been planted by Nick in our orchard. B)all these trees were been planted by Nick in our orchard. C) all these trees have been planted by Nick in our orchard. D)all these trees are planted by Nick in our orchard. E) Nick has been planted all these trees in our orchard. 78.Choose the correct sentence in the Pssive Voice. Norman collected all these stamps in his childhood. A)all these stamps were collected by Norman in his childhood. B)all these stamps have been collected by Norman in his childhood. C)Norman was collected all these stamps in his childhood. D) all these stamps are collected by Norman in his childhood. E)all these stamps were been collected by Norman in his childhood. 79.choose the correct sentence in the Passive Voice. The editor -in- chief has corrected all the mistakes. A) all the mistakes have corrected by the editor -in- chief. B) the editor- in- chief has been corrected all the mistakes. C) all the mistakes were corrected by the editor -in- chief. D)all the mistakes are corrected by the editor- in- chief. E)all the mistakes have been corrected by the editor - in - chief. PLEASE HELP ME, I NEED IT URGENTLY!

sofiyakasheeva sofiyakasheeva    3   10.05.2021 12:03    0