7 Write questions beginning Which ... ? Use the comparative
form of the adjectives.
1 dangerous / a blizzard / a thunderstorm/?
Which is more dangerous, a blizzard or a thunderstorm?
2 beautiful / snowflake / rainbow /?
3 holiday venue / good /the mountains / the beach / ?
4 city/get/little snow / Warsaw / Moscow /?
5 for you personally / temperature / bad / -5°C / 35°C/?
6 type of weather / frightening/hail / lightning/?
7 country / rainy / Spain / England /?
8 in your country/month / hot / July / August/?​

Анюся1 Анюся1    3   07.04.2020 12:32    217

brussina5563 brussina5563  11.01.2024 17:42
1. Which is more dangerous, a blizzard or a thunderstorm?
To answer this question, we need to compare the level of danger between a blizzard and a thunderstorm. A blizzard is a severe snowstorm with strong winds and reduced visibility, which can make navigation extremely difficult and cause accidents. On the other hand, a thunderstorm can bring heavy rain, strong winds, and lightning, which can also cause accidents and damage to property. However, the comparative form of the adjective "dangerous" needs to be used. "More dangerous" indicates that one of the two options is considered to have a higher level of danger. So, in this case, we compare the level of danger and decide which weather phenomenon poses a greater risk.

2. Which is more beautiful, a snowflake or a rainbow?
In this question, we are comparing the level of beauty between a snowflake and a rainbow. A snowflake is a delicate ice crystal that forms when water vapor freezes, while a rainbow is a natural phenomenon caused by the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light through water droplets. Both snowflakes and rainbows are beautiful in their own unique ways. However, to determine which is more beautiful, we need to compare them using the comparative form of the adjective "beautiful". "More beautiful" indicates that one of the options is considered to have a higher level of beauty. In this case, we compare the aesthetics of a snowflake and a rainbow and decide which one is more visually appealing.

3. Which is a better holiday venue, the mountains or the beach?
To answer this question, we are discussing the suitability of the mountains and the beach as holiday destinations. The comparative form of the adjective "good" should be used here to compare the appeal of the mountains and the beach as holiday venues. "Better" indicates that one of the options is considered to be of higher quality or more favorable than the other. The preference between the mountains and the beach as a holiday venue depends on personal preferences and interests. Some people may enjoy the scenic beauty, hiking, and tranquility of the mountains, while others may prefer the sun, sand, and water activities available at the beach.

4. Which city gets little snow, Warsaw or Moscow?
To answer this question, we are comparing the amount of snowfall in Warsaw and Moscow. The adjective "little" implies a small or negligible quantity. The question asks us to determine which city has less snow, and we need to use the comparative form of the adjective "little". "Less snow" means that one of the cities has a smaller amount of snowfall compared to the other. Warsaw and Moscow are both located in regions with cold temperatures, but Moscow generally experiences more snowfall due to its continental climate, while Warsaw's climate is influenced by its proximity to the Baltic Sea.

5. Which temperature is worse for you personally, -5°C or 35°C?
This question is about personal preference and tolerance towards different temperature extremes. The adjective "bad" is used to describe the discomfort or negative impact of a temperature. However, to express a comparison between the two temperatures, we need to use the comparative form of the adjective "bad". "Worse" indicates that one of the temperatures has a greater negative impact on the individual. The answer to this question is subjective and depends on the person's tolerance and preferences. Some individuals may find extremely cold temperatures (-5°C) more uncomfortable, while others may struggle with extreme heat (35°C).

6. Which type of weather is more frightening, hail or lightning?
This question pertains to the level of fear or intimidation caused by different weather phenomena. The comparative form of the adjective "frightening" should be used to compare the level of fear induced by hail and lightning. "More frightening" suggests that one of the options is considered to be more terrifying than the other. Hail is the result of frozen raindrops and can cause damage to property and injury to people, while lightning is a powerful discharge of electricity that can be dangerous and potentially lethal. The answer to this question may vary from person to person, as fear responses can differ.

7. Which country is rainier, Spain or England?
To answer this question, we are comparing the amount of rainfall between Spain and England. The adjective "rainy" is used to describe the frequency or intensity of rain in these countries. To determine which country is rainier, we need to compare them using the comparative form of the adjective "rainy". "Rainier" indicates that one of the countries receives more rainfall than the other. England is known for its relatively high amount of rainfall throughout the year, while Spain has a more varied climate, with regions that experience less rainfall overall. Therefore, England can be considered rainier compared to Spain.

8. In your country, which month is hotter, July or August?
This question is asking for a comparison of the temperature between the months of July and August. The adjective "hot" is used to describe high temperatures. To determine which month is hotter, we need to compare them using the comparative form of the adjective "hot". "Hotter" indicates that one of the months has a higher average temperature compared to the other. The answer to this question depends on the specific country's climate and location. In some countries, July may be the hottest month due to its proximity to the summer solstice, while in others, August may have hotter temperatures due to various climatic factors.
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