7. we often go to … theatre. a) - b) a c) the 8. to tell … truth, the twin towers were very high in new york. a) the b) a c) - 9.what time … you leave school yesterday? a) have b) does c) did 10. first, he had dinner, then he … the newspaper. a) read b) was reading c) had read 11. mary … the house by the time it started to rain. a) reached b) had reached c) was reaching 12. he said that he … call me the next day. a) will b) would c) is going to 13. would you like a cup of … coffee? a) a b) the c) – 14. sam … to the cinema every month. a) go b) goes c) going 15. if he took the bus to work he late. a) wouldn't be b) won't c) isn't 16. if it i'll watch tv. a) rain b) rained c) rains 17. she made him … promise to give the picture to her. a) - b) to 18. who you the story? a) said b) spoke c) told 19. do you want you? a) my help b) my to help c) me to help 20. when my friend rang me up, i tv. a) was watching b) watched c) am watching , )

Альбина1597 Альбина1597    2   30.06.2019 12:20    0

Pomogihd Pomogihd  24.07.2020 06:41
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